Friday, June 8, 2012

Charter flight time

Good morning! It's 6am here and we had a great (daylight) sleep. We are now refreshed and after breakfast will head to the airport for our adventure flight into the camp. I am so excited. I would like to thank Greg and Lyndee and Ken for opening up their homes to our team last night. Your hospitality is such a blessing to our team! Well in about 3 hours we will be off to Kokrine Hills Bible Camp! Please continue to lift us up in prayer as fly across Alaska and that God continues to put people in our path that we can share Him with.
Our chariot to the Yukon awaits............ 


  1. Tim has just prayed and we're off into the wild blue yonder.
    Hopefully we'll get a view of Mt. McKinley.
    I will try to post again when we arrive at camp. Until then, may God continue to provide us with traveling mercy and His abundant grace.

  2. Hi Everyone,
    We are HERE! What a blessing it was land safely at camp and to get big hugs from Roger and Carole.
    Well as usual we unloaded and went right to work. Chuck and Tim have already chopped down a few tree. The bathhouse is coming along well. It LOOKS beautiful. Frank, Shannon and I are working Ken from Circle Plumbing in Anchorage to get material staged for the installation work this week. Meredith jumpped right in a cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. And Kelly is working with Ms Viki learning to bake. It is so good to be back. This place truly has a special anointing to it.
    Well, just as last year, I won't be able to upload pictures. I will do that when we get back. But I will post as often as possible. Bye for now.

    1. Yeah yeah yeah, thanks for rubbing it in. I am very glad you all made it safeand sound. I have not stopped thinking and praying about you all since thursday. I suspect you all are going to Ruby today and get to attend church there. I pray the weather is good as i know it doesn't stop the work but it does make it ALOT nicer. Tell everyone i said hello, especially greg and vicki, well ofcourse roger and carole. Don't hoard all those chocolate chip cookies mark, play nice with Kelly so she'll come back again. Way to go Shannon as well on the plane. It truly beings from the moment we accept the mission. Love to all and take plenty of pics. Love and miss everything going on. Can't wait to hear the reports when you all get home.

  3. Glad you guys are having fun. Don't get a jammed toe/ finger. nor stay up and party. :) Go Mighty Mouse!!!!!!!!! :) :)
