Saturday, June 16, 2012

Heading Home

Heading Home -- 1st stop Tanana, AK, then Anchorage,
then Chicago - last stop Charlotte (24 hr travel day)

Our Team Leader -- God's Man

First one to Anchorage wins.... 

After an OUTSTANDING week at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp and the village of Ruby, we are heading home today.  WE are all exhausted after a long week, late night and early push off.  We are getting a treat -- we another boat trip -- this time to the village of Tanana.  From Tanana, we will fly into Anchorage.  Our flight home is at 11:20 pm and we will be arriving at CLT around 12:45 pm Sunday.  So we have a long travel day ahead.  But, we will be traveling under the Son - and he will restore and renew our strength as we have served him faithfully.  And we pray for traveling mercies for our teams leaving today (Abundant Life in Portland and the Crossing at Birchwood in Chugiak, AK).  Also, we pray for the kids, the counselors, staff, and Roger and Carole may God richly bless them and may ALL of the feet that sets foot on at this camp leave having a relationahip with You, Jesus Christ.  Amen.


  1. I pray for your safe return and am very proud to be associated with KHBC and our extremely dedicated team at CCC. So glad to hear the bathhouse has running water and flushable toilets. Now can you do something about those pesky mosquitos!!! I can't wait to see all of you and marvel in the stories and experiences of the trip. Thank you so much for taking the time to blog and fill us in on the details as i KNOW how tired you are and what responsabilities you carry. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart as i hung on your every word to help me get thru the week since i couldn't be with you all this year. Travel safe and get some rest. Love and much respect to ALL. Laurie

  2. have safe travels everyone. we are praying for you. see you when you get back. love you guys, and call us anytime (Mabey).

  3. Just landed in Charlotte and we are in route to CCC now. Our team is exhausted and excited to be home. Thank you for following our blog and keeping in touch though your comments. I will go back later to update and fill in the log with photos etc. This trip was such an incredible blessing!
