Thursday, June 14, 2012

Monday Camp Activites

On Monday, we had a very good work day at camp.  I think we had a lot of pent up energy from our long boat ride on Sunday.  So, right after one of Ms. Viki's famous breakfast meal, we got right to work.  The team tackled to spearate jobs. Chuck, Kelly, Frank and I were working in the bathhouse.  And Tim, Shannon and Meredith were prepping the concrete pad for the generator building.
Frank used his craftsmen skills on the wood paneling while Chuck, Kelly and I had fun hanging more, yep - yiou guessed it -- insulation.  At the generator pad site, the team there dug out the footers and installed the board forms.  Then later the rest of the team joined in to install the rebar and wire mesh.  We got the site all ready for a big day of pouring.  BUT -- the fun had just begun -- well, because there was still more daylight available.  We went to do demolition work under the dining hall.  You see, we had to rip out the OSB, insulation and foam core to allow it to dry out and have the oil heated flooring coils installed correctly.  That was a very dirty job. Before work could begin we had to smoke out at least a gazillion mosquitoes.  We also saw a bear paw print right outside of the access door.  Chuck said that if he saw a bear up under there, he'd "bust through the floor" to get out.  So, since Big Chuck was a little nervous, I went in first :-)
Friends let me tell you -- your team ROCKED -- we demo'ed the entire crawl space area in a matter of hours (with a small break for dinner).  Like I said, we had a bit of pent up energy.  The team worked extremely well together under some very uncomfortable conditions and through it all, we had a good time and never once complained.

Our adopted Team member - Melissa (aka The Wolverine)

Now the area is all cleared and drying out.  Another team will be here in August to finish the project.  This was an important task that aligns with the future vision of making the camp accessable year round.  The main facilities have to be warm to be able to have discipleship and family ministry camps during the winter months.


  1. Wow, that was some rough work you huys have gotten yourselves into. You never did tell if frank had to bust through the floor. Lol i guess it's just as well as i didn't make it this year as i would have really felt like a girl not being able to work along side all of you. Not that merideth, lisa and shannon aren't girls bit up there you work like a man regardless of gender. Love to all and please be safe:)

    1. Ummmm, KELLY. I'm so sorry, i had my daughter on my mind. I am sooo sorry. I really do know your name.. Please forgive my brain farts! Haha
