Thursday, June 14, 2012

A day in the life of a Missionary

Hey everybody back home at CCC.  This is Tim posting a blog for the first time.  I would like to start with our early morning devotion.  As is customary on this trip, the CCC team is responsible for spiritual development of the whole camp.Kelly led our devotion this morning discussing bible passages leading up to Christ's Crucifixion.  She discussed how the movie "Passion of the Christ" affected her and what would have happened if Jesus reacted differently in the verses she shared (Matt 26:23,Mark 14:37-42,Luke 22:42,Luke 22:49-51, Mark 14:62...)  Kelly does an awesome job facilitating bible studies.  Our church is so blessed to have her as a member.

After breakfast, our team was assigned the task of pouring a 24' x 34' concrete slab for a building to be built to house the existing generator that runs the camp.  You may ask, how to you complete a task like this without a truck to bring it to you?  Let me tell you, it is not easy.  We had a small concrete mixer, what they call sand and stone (river boulders), portland cement and water from the nearby creek (coldest water you will ever drink without ice).  Chuck and Meridith manned the mixer. Mark and a couple teenagers filled the buckets with the sand, stone, cement and water.  Kelly, Shannon and myself placed, leveled and finished the concrete.  We started at 9:00 am and finished half the slab at 9:30 pm.  We mixed 32 bags and one bag mixed 4 loads using the mixer.  We estimated mixing 128 +/- loads in that time period. Frank assisted in completing some of the carpentry items in the new bath house. I will say, the North Carolina team always gets the hardest and toughest tasks to complete each and every year and to coin a phrase from Pastor Jack, "we knock it out of the park each and every time".

We received a surprise visistor to camp this afternoon.  The village elder, of the small village of Ruby, came to visit.  This is the village we are assisting and praying for that someday the Lord will call a pastor to this tiny place on the Yukon.  Don gave his testimony and shared with all the needs of Ruby Bible Church.  He is also having health problems so we all gathered and layed hands on him and prayed.  Vicki, our camp cook, followed with her testimony.  After that, we broke up into prayer groups and prayed for our family members back home.  It was a special time for me to pray again with Kelly, Shannon, Meridith, Kaylee, Frank and Don.

God is moving in this place in ways that are not always tangible.  The work that is being completed around this camp allows for the Bible camp to be more successful in reaching the children when they come in a couple weeks.

We are all exhausted but are so full of joy.  We have an amazing group of dedicated prayer warriors on this team and I am extremely proud to call them all my brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have established a love for one another through bonds of hard work and prayer. I will sign off as we do after we complete every task..Whoo Whoo!!! ( Thanks Shannon)

1 comment:

  1. Tim, that was absolutely beautiful and brought me to tears as i know how those bonds affect you for eternity. I felt myself there with you as you talked about the morning prayers and sharing testimonies. For you all that have not yet had the priveledge to go to alaska i encourage you to get involved anf GO. Thank you all for sharing and workIng tirelessly for the children that your efforts will bless. The burden of the lost that you have taken on personally will not go unrewarded. I pray for a safe remainder of your trip and your travels home. Love and prayers to all, Laurie
